Carsten Spencer

Love Life Yoga

Announcing My Appointment as Spiritual Leader of Unity of Ukiah!


YouTube Preview ImageThat’s right, it’s official!! I am thrilled to announce that as of this past Sunday, April 7, 2013, yours truly, Carsten Spencer, is the new Spiritual Leader of Unity of Ukiah.  Unity of Ukiah is a warm and loving spiritual community that has welcomed me with open arms and I am blessed and honored to be their new Spiritual Leader.  Located at: 321 Bush Street, Ukiah, CA. Sunday Meditation at 10am, Sunday Service at 10:30am followed by a voluntary pot luck brunch.  A glorious 90 minutes drive north from San Francisco, Ukiah is a beautiful town that is home to The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, one of the largest Buddhist centers in the country with a delicious and very affordable vegetarian restaurant on the premises and is only an 8 minute drive from Jack London’s favorite hot spot:  Vichy Hot Springs,  I will be leading the meditation and giving the lesson the first 3 Sundays of each month and we are planning carpooling and road trips from the Bay Area at last one Sunday each month.  If you’d like to join us, please contact me.  You’re always welcome as long as there is room in the car.


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